While I was posting I thought I would update everyone and thank you all so much for your prayers.  Adam is doing well I spoke with him a few days ago and he is pursuing acceptance into a long term rehab program Called Faith Farm.  It is hear in Florida 2-4 hours from us depending on the campus (they have 3).  He completes the Penfield Program on Friday the January 21st.  If he hasn’t heard anything from Faith Farm he will have to enter a Half -Way house, location undetermined at this time.  He was hoping to stay on at Penfield as a Servant Leader for a few months but he does not meet the age requirement (25 – I think).  He looks healthy and clean and again his leadership gifts are shining through.

Stacy and I had a good time visiting him on family day but it was obvious that God wanted us there more to speak life into some of the other families.  Stacy was amazing as I watched her walk along side a woman whose husband, who was in ministry,  fell into addiction and has left her to care for their children.  Then a very unexpected thing happened.  The lead councilor pulled me aside to speak with me.  At first I thought to myself, “Oh No!  What has Adam done?”  But as we came to a private place he turned and looked me in the eye and said, “I just wanted you to know that I see God all over your son, and God has told me that Adam is going to lead many out of addiction and into a relationship with Jesus.”  He also said, “But Adam has to stop fighting God and let Him do His work.”  Through my tears I shared with Bill that what he sees in Adam, many Godly people have also seen.  The last thing Bill said was this, “God has led me to come to you and that we are to pray, in agreement, that this is the time for Adam to give up and surrender to God.”  By this time all I could do was nod in agreement.  We locked arms and Bill lifted Adam up in prayer to the Lord.

So that is where we are and that is where Adam is.  I sometimes feel like I have asked so many to pray for so long and it makes me feel greedy and selfish to continue to ask people to pray for Adam yet again.  So I will leave it to you – and let the Lord lead your path.

To all those who have emailed, called, written, sent cards, facebooked, texted and contibuted financially.  Our family is overwhelmed by your love and support.

As I shared with the people of Lifecoast a few weeks ago.  My sin was revealed to me as I could feel my hope dwindling in Adam doing the right thing.  But I repented of that sin and realized that my hope was dwindling because I was putting it in what Adam could do.  But now my hope is fully in what GOD will do IN Adam.

Put your hope in The One who never disappoints – and you will never be disappointed.

You Are All In Our Prayers,
