It’s been a while, I know! So sorry. I have been writing though. My New book out in a month or two. But that is not my topic for today. As many of you know I have written often about our walk through the process of dealing with a child trapped in the arena of addiction. But today I want to focus on my 2 other boys and my amazing bride. This morning they flew out of Fort Lauderdale on their way to Haiti. They are probably landing as I type. Let me start with Tyler. This is my baby boy who is nearly 6′ tall. He is a hugger and loves to laugh. He laughs loud and hard. It is infectious. I am so proud of the musician that he has become. Not because of the talent he possesses but because he uses it for the Glory of God. Alex is quietly funny. He is the guy who cracks up the people who know him, and surprises those who don’t know him well. As Alex becomes a handsome, mature young man, he is totally getting out of his comfort zone. Boarding a plane and going to Haiti for a week! No A/C! No showers! But he had a need to discover this area of ministry which he had never experienced. Proud? That word doesn’t have enough depth to describe my heart for these two boys.
My beautiful, amazing, talented, patient and praying wife. I send her off with a heart of excitement for what she will experience. Her’s is a heart for those who cannot help themselves. One of her greatest joys in life is ministering to young moms who may have never had a healthy family modeled to them. I can’t wait to see her face when she returns. I know I will see more passion, more conviction and a re-energized resolve to be the hands and feet of Christ to a hurting world.
And also during this week, i get a chance to spend some quality time with my two girls. So different and still so beautiful in their own ways. Without ever leaving the safety of Palm Coast, I know I will be impacted for a lifetime through this missions trip, Our family will never be the same.
Change is Good,